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Bunny Wars is:
Bunny Wars is PUP-E Powered - powered by the PUP-E game engine.

Bunny Wars, proudly developed by:
Bunny Wars is brought to you Ominous Game Labs.

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Simply use a Barcode scanner application on your Android mobile!

QR code that when scanned in with a Android mobile will take you to Parachute mobile shop.

Angry Bird! The chick that won't let the bunnies suceed with their evil deed

Get Bunny Wars - Egg defence now on Google Play for Android devices now! Scan the image on the left of the page or click here


If blasting cute little bunnies into oblivion is your thing, then Ominous Game Labs new casual action/arcade game Bunny Wars: Egg Defence could be the carrot you've been looking for.

Bunny Wars - Egg Defence, addictive new game for Google Android™ devices

Intense bunny blasting action! Help chicks defend their eggs from the invaders! Intense bunny blasting action! Help the chicks repel endless waves of advancing bunnies who think of nothing but making it away with the chicks eggs. It's time for war. Bunny Wars!

Bunny Wars pits players against advancing hoards of bunnies whose sole intent is to steal eggs from the fluffy feathered chick defenders. Players must tap their way to victory, launching chicks to decimate the bunny menace before they make it away with all the eggs.

Bunny Wars Egg defence for Android devices start screen

Help the chicks repel endless waves of advancing bunnies who think of nothing but making it away with the chicks eggs. It's time for war. Bunny Wars!
Take control of the chicks and tap your way to victory, earn coins, upgrade your forces, unlock new weapons and beat those bunnies back.

  • 100 Challenging Levels
  • Increasing hoards of enemies
  • Upgradable Forces
  • Cute Graphics
  • Online High Scores

Bunny Wars Egg defence for Android devices gameplay screen shot

Bunny Wars: Egg Defence is a charming action/arcade game which features 100 levels, hoards of invading bunnies, upgradable army of angry birds and cute graphics. The bunnies are trying to steal the birds eggs and you must stop them in this tower defence style game.

Tap to launch one of your chicks at the invading bunnies, earn coins as you play to upgrade your forces, unlocking new powers to stun and set fire to your enemies. Post your scores to the online high score tables.

Optimised for larger screen mobiles and tables devices such as HTC One X, Samsung Galaxy Tab and Archos G9. For the best play experience, grab a tab!

Bunny Wars Egg defence for Android devices upgrade screen grab

Tested to work with the following ANdroid devices and more:
HTC One X, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Samsung Galaxy IIs, HTC Sense, HTC Desire, HTC Desire S, Orange Sanfransisco, Scroll Excel Extreme 9.7 Tablet, Asus Transformer, Archos G9, Amazon Kindle Fire & compatible with many more devices too.

Bunny Wars - Egg defence is available on Google Play for Android devices now, click here.
Bunny Wars is also available on Android market place.

If you wish to leave feedback about Bunny Wars or our other games, or have any questions please use this feedback form.

The team would like to thank you for taking the time to view this page and for playing our games. Any feedback is appreciated, especially via sharing and "facebook likes" etc, it all helps us spread the word, its is very important to a small indie developer like us.

Hope you have as much fun as we did making and testing this! :)
Kind Regards,

The Ominous Game Labs team.